Saturday, November 25, 2006

Knowing the order of what's being called is very important when coding in Flash. For example, you might create a call in a component's inspectable attribute, like this

[Inspectable(type=Number, defaultValue=400)]
public function set width(w:Number)
__width = w;

You might need think your child.refresh will get call, when in fact at instantiation time, your child won't be called because when width was set, child has not been instantiated yet. So you must call child.refresh( ) in your onLoad function.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Actionscript 3

Starting to experiment with AS3.
At this point it's still not very straightforward to set up FlashDevelop to compile AS3 code.

If you have Flex Builder, things becomes much easier. To compile AS3, simple start an Actionscript 3 project. To see trace output from your app, you must run it in debug mode. (There should be a bug button in your toolbar) You will also need to install a debug version of Flash Player 9 to debug your app.