Thursday, August 09, 2007

This pretty much sums up my view on CSS
(My conversation with a friend -- One and the Same: c'est moi)

One and The Same.. says:
..One and The Same.. says:
any good CSS book?
jamo says:
jamo says:
both eric meyers
..One and The Same.. says:
i am pissed off
jamo says:
did i tell you
jamo says:
he autographed my books
..One and The Same.. says:
that i am not pro at css yet
jamo says:
jamo says:
css is touhg
jamo says:
jamo says:
remember what i learned
jamo says:
master one thing
jamo says:
work with others
..One and The Same.. says:
pls baby, eric meyer is just a person
jamo says:
i give up design
jamo says:
and work on CSS
jamo says:
and now PHP OOP
jamo says:
maybe i give up flash
..One and The Same.. says:
pls baby
..One and The Same.. says:
..One and The Same.. says:
it's called POOP
..One and The Same.. says:
you learned the wrong stuff baby
..One and The Same.. says:
the future is RIA
..One and The Same.. says:
i am still waiting for the ultimate CSS tool
..One and The Same.. says:
that shit should be automated
..One and The Same.. says:
visual stuff should never be coded
..One and The Same.. says:
that's just dumb
..One and The Same.. says:
coded, and then tweak to work on all browsers
..One and The Same.. says:
pls, there is gotta be a better way to live
jamo says:
what the

So you think you are so cool knowing Flash?


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I am ramping up on AS3 finally. Will be adding notes about what I learn here.

Found some good notes from razorberry, I am copying his content here (without permission) for easy peruse...but here is the link to the original article

The Loader class doesn’t dispatch events, but Loader.contentLoaderInfo does.
If you take a look at the API documentation for Loader.load(), you’ll notice that the different events dispatched after a load operation are listed, which lead me to think that the loader itself dispatches them. The fact is that you actually need to add your event listeners to Loader.contentLoaderInfo as shown in the example on that page.

In order to use flash.utils.getDefinitionByName(), your class has to actually be compiled into the swf.
Well, duh. Flash player will throw an error if it can’t find your class. This is easily solved by including a reference to the class in your source code somewhere.
private var myClass:Class =;

Removing a particular item from an array is easier!

Copying attributes of an xml node into an object is.. different.
var o:Object = new Object();
for each (var z:XML in node.@*)
o[String(] = z;

You can check if a DisplayObject is actually attached to a display list by checking the stage property.
If the stage property is null, it isn’t attached. This might seem obvious but if you’re trying to find out why something isn’t showing up.. the reason could be that you forgot to actually attach it with addChild().

In Flex Builder’s Actionscript 3 projects, mx classes aren’t immediately available.
You need to add the mx framework.swc to the project under Project->Properties->Flex Build Path->Library Path (tab)->Add SWC.. (button). The file is located at: ${FRAMEWORKS}/libs/framework.swc.

AS3 base types don’t always default to null.
Variables of certain base types such as Boolean and int are no longer ‘undefined’ when declared. This means you can no longer perform checks such as:
if (myBoolean == undefined) doSomething(); since boolean values default to false.
You can find a list of default values on this page in the documentation.

Recruiting process in technology firm is in need of serious change, and the problem is widespread in all companies, big or small, but more so with big ones.

I had a phone call with Google recruiter this morning. 1 minute into the call, I realized I am talking to someone who is not technical at all. The outcome of that is I start having to field standard questions like: what's your strongest language, how man years have you done this, etc. If you ask the wrong questions, how often do you get the right answer? The questions that are being asked these days simply do not help surface the superstar from the mediocre.

Companies rely on hiring great people to become successful. But technical companies have thus far rely on non-technical person to do the recruiting. This is a major problem that requires serious innovation (or renovation?). Good companies will naturally attract a lot of strong candidates, and the weak ones can later be filtered out by more technically oriented interviews. One problem though, what happen if the really good ones have been filtered out prematurely? The loss in revenue caused by such mistakes is hard to calculate, and it's being made as we speak, and common sense tells us the result of that is like walking over a pile of gold mine thinking it is just sand. (ok, maybe sand is more valuable these days given the ubiquity of computer chips in our lives)

So what's the proposed solution to this? While some might think that all we need is to train the recruiters more, there is simply no substitute for someone with actual experience in the field. After all, would you ask your mother in-law to evaluate the authenticity of a Ming dynasty vase you just got from China?

One good solution for this is to have the technical lead goes through all submitted resume and make the initial phone calls. While this might seem like an obvious waste of talent, it's not. If all you want is to increase your headcount in your company, by all means, get anyone to do this. But if what you want is the best person you can find that will help grow your company, you gotta do it yourself. Of course, there are a lot of logistical issues to work out here, especially when you have a company with lots of teams looking for their own candidates. But that's a small problem to solve.